Dear Visitor,
Most welcome - great that you found your way to my site!
You may wonder what it’s all about, so here are my thoughts behind creating this home page:
Images are about seeing - the ordinary or the surprising, the pleasing or the disturbing, the evident or the hidden, the concrete and the metaphoric, the ordered or the chaotic, and ideally sometimes in a curious mix pointing in an unexpected direction. Seeing thus affects thinking which in turn changes what and how we see. This reciprocity is what makes photography worth while to me. These images are attempts of seeing to enhance being.
After over 30 years as a researching neurologist, still spending my professional efforts to understand multiple sclerosis and to care for those affected, I take pleasure in seeking to explore a new kind of creativity and expression.
Stockholm, July 2020
Jan Hillert
Acknowledgement: Warmest thanks to Hannah Goldstein for teaching, advice and support!